Integuments: Shadow of Shrek

NOTE: The following story is based on a real game also called "Integuments: Shadow of Shrek" Users who may want to download the game can be found using this link.
It was really late at night, i was at the top of my 4 story house, listening to the radio (The roof is the best place to get a radio signal) the station was playing the song "I'm a believer" by The Monkees. I had noticed some movement among the thick forest I live in and decided to pursue this mysterious figure as he was trespassing on my property which is private. I had started climbing down the ways down my house, my radio could still be vaguely heard in the background, up until the second floor where i saw a bunch of signs on the wall saying "Beware Ogre" (Also Worth Noting is that my third floor now had a poster of the "Game Shreks." Too bad there partnership is ogre.) It was then that i realized that i was in deep trouble. I went outside and started following the only path on my property, and then i saw the most horrible abomination that informed my my life was ogre. It looked like the popular character "Shrek" but he was wearing all black and his face had an angry look upon it. He roared at me and then i got transported to A big bottomless pit filled with onions with cartoon smiley faces and arms drawn on them. I could here not only the hear onion men screaming but two figures arguing, one of them was saying that ogres were like onions and the other was refusing to believe him before saying "Oh i get it, you both have layers" before saying not everyone likes onions. After that i woke up in a small cabin on the top of hill, "Apparently it was a dream this whole time" I thought to myself, i then noticed my radio though which was i good thing i thought, except it didn't play any music. It was a number station, the station had been running for a few minutesso I couldn't hear all of the numbers, but the numbers I could make out were "7 3 6 8 7 2 6 5 6 B 2 0 6 9 7 3 2 0 6 C 6 F 7 6 6 5 2 0 7 3 6 8 7 2 6 5 6 B 2 6 7 B 2 9 C 6 9 6 6 6 5" Followed by some giberish. I still do not know the signifigance of these numbers, i then saw a Poster in the house of a spaceman suit, but with a stack of pancakes for a head, there was also a demented picture of 2 humanoids murdering each other with "SEASONS GREETINGS" as the caption. It seemed to have been from a fucked up 1990 book called "Man After Man". I traveled for a good Five minutes and then i found something, Unexpected, it was a balloon of shrek, like the ones used on the maceys thanksgiving day Pirade, i walked up to the balloon and the radio started blaring beeps, almost like morse code, the sky had turned to fire and the office building the balloon was tied too had fire aswell, I had noticed a WC on the door (What asian countries call bathrooms) and i had decided to walk into it seeing as how i had to take a piss really badly, i had walked in but my vision went dark, i then herd a figure say, "GET OUT NOW" and then a giant shrek face popped up and nearly had a sezure as the  face was flashing blue and green in quick succession. My vision then was obscured with Japanese Writing, upon translation it said "Shrek is Life, Shrek is love" I now take this as a deep metaphor. I was now in a Japanese styled hotel, or apartment complex, i walked down quite a ways when i found a bar with no one in it, i then noticed that there was a tunnel so i went through. I was blinded with white before waking up in a room, it looked like a bedroom of some sort, it had a game console hooked up with a singular image of a short, green, figure talking to a donkey. There was no game in the console slot and on the floor was a box of Stairfax 69 with some blood on it. I then noticed a sliding glass door that lead to an outside area so i went outside, at this point i just wanted the nightmare to end so i looked at the staircase near the end of the balcony, I walked up the stairs, took one last good look at the world, Said, "Goodbye Cruel World" and jumped off, it took several minutes to fall, wind resistance most likely, and then i heard one final voice talking to me, He said "It's all Ogre, and it's never ogre tell i say it's ogre" then one final image came to me, it was the shrek ballons, Twerking at me........
Writen by [ Toadtoad12345]
Based on the game "Integuments: Shadow of Shrek" by Anonymapizza